~ oLLa !!!!!!!!!
~ hahahaha......after a very longggggggggggggggg time i didnt cee my 'buah hati'....finally! dpt gak jmpek buah hati terchenta gue nih...hahahahaha~ terlepas suda rindu yg terpendam skian lame....pye lah mrane idop x dek buah hati kesayangan di sampg dri ini....huhu~ since i'm still teenage........i got a confession lah. honestly. if i have a boyfie, my 'buah hati' laaaaaaaaaag special than him. gue laaaaaaaaaaaaaaag shayunks sama buah hati gue drpd boyfie gue! ye lah. kalu berchenta ngn mnusian mmg slalu saket hti, e2 x bleyh, ini x bleyh, e2 ini nyusahkn idop saja......baek la gue berchenta ngn buah hati gue nieh! hehe~
[explanation y i didnt cee my buah hati so long...my buah hati overheating coz i x pkai my laptop cooler(beli saja wat pehiasan,hehe) n sbb i bkk 24/7,mmg bleyh jadik overheating pon. so la ni, i do wateva to makesure buah hati i sehat walafiat slalu....hehe~]
~ tell u, my life are worthless without those sweethearts that had lighten ups my life until now. realy. i damn love them. no offense. they are the one who always besides me when i'm down or happy. no matter what, or how bad i am, they always there for me, compared to 'a boyfie'. realy. so, i decided, i f i ever had a boyfie again, i wont love him over my buah hati. intead, he will be the least person i will care about. that is my principe. however, i will apply that principe only in my teenagers life lah. x kan i x nk kawen kot ble i dah besa kan3? haha.
~ u must be wondering whose so special that i'm talking about rite? haha~ i would like to introduce u my rainbows, my shine, my true love~ =))
meet them......
~ tell u, my life are worthless without those sweethearts that had lighten ups my life until now. realy. i damn love them. no offense. they are the one who always besides me when i'm down or happy. no matter what, or how bad i am, they always there for me, compared to 'a boyfie'. realy. so, i decided, i f i ever had a boyfie again, i wont love him over my buah hati. intead, he will be the least person i will care about. that is my principe. however, i will apply that principe only in my teenagers life lah. x kan i x nk kawen kot ble i dah besa kan3? haha.
~ u must be wondering whose so special that i'm talking about rite? haha~ i would like to introduce u my rainbows, my shine, my true love~ =))
meet them......

GiRLFRiEnDs sAYa - H.a.N.i.K.e.Y

PeRMaTa HaTi sAYa - buDaK BiLiK iQRa' 3,
especially these people,,,
aDeK, KaKaK, QiLa, MuS, TiN tY, aYu, NaB, ShA WaNie,
AzReYN n LoYai
wArRiOr sAYa -
aBaH sAYa,
MoHD. KhAiRuL HisYaM,
AnuAR AzMiLuMuR,
BuAH HaTi sAYa - HP ComPaQ PreSaRiO =) [hehe]
iNTaN PaYuNg sAYa - aLL mY NoVeLs n CoMiCs !!
~ so, now u understand me rite? i mean, come on, i'm still young. theres a lot pf problems n obstacle i have to face then a boyfie lovey dovey nieh.....btul x? ok fine, maybe it can be my true love or jodoh i ke hape ker....but how will i know that he is my husband-to-be in my future in my age now? how? tell me how? how will i make sure that he will be faith to me? org mly kata....sdgkan pantai lagikan brubah inikan pula hati mnusia....so, as conclusion, in my age, better love those things, ur friends n ur families than those unpromisingly lovey dovey kan....bek la abdikan dri ngn mnuntut ilmu dr buang msa, buang karan, buang tnaga ngn bnda alah yg smemangnya mjadi masalah besar[mcm masalah dnia] kat remaja zaman skg.....rite??? n,,,,most importantly, cintailah Allah lebih drpd sgalanya, the one true love. huhu. smile always! cheer up!
~ i minx maaf dr hujg rmbut smpai hujg kaki jka ad yg tluka or x perfek, ssguhnya yg baek dtg drpd Allah, yg bruk e2 dtg drpd sy sniri. e.n.d.t.i.t.i.k.n.o.k.t.a.h.f.u.l.l.s.t.o.p
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