assalam. ni post pasal my besties since last year n this year.
huhu.....sobs sobs.... dy nak keluar dah, nak pegi smk agama kedah. :(
i became close to her since last year. our pmr year. to be honest... i didn't remember how we beacame close.... uh oh, silap,, actually time we form 2, nak dekat end of year. :)
hehu..... ak n dia...byk share secrets and bnda y kami suka n tasuka. and army(her nickname) ni byk ajar ak, byk bg ak ilmu and tegur ak bila ak salah. dy mmg seorg kwn y precious bg ak. sbb tu...bila dy nak pndh, ak duk tefikir, cena lah ak tanpa dy nnty. msti sunyi sbb start thn lepas and thn ni ak kerap dduk seblah dy. thn ni mmg ak jd table mate dy pun. huhu. takpe lah army. nnti da pindah jgn lupa ak. T_T
may hg success kat sana, insyaAllah....one day we will be together again. just like those old days, sharing our secrets. :')
army, this poem i made specially for u. u re the inspiration to this poem. :')
there's sometimes my attitude can be like s***, yet u re there for me.
yet u are so patient with me when i'm acting stupid,
when people say something bad to me, u still there,
accepting whoever i am.
when i did wrong, u scold me in the right way,
when i have my own ugliness and sweetness,
yet u accept me as i am.
u sad when i'm sad, u happy when i'm happy,
u make jokes, i make jokes,
then we both laugh out loud like crazy,
u always listen to whatever i wanna told u,
u always help me when i'm in need...
Allah gave me a very great bestfriend like u,
u re the most understanding who never judge me of what i'm doing,
i know that deep in my heart,
i feel so blessed when i think of u,
and i ask Allah to bless all we do,
u re my bestest friend i ever had and my strength,
and i pray we're together eternally.
call me miss been there done that
i have gone to many places, move to many schools, and met many people,
less than all but more than a few,
but i've never met someone special like u,
been all over the Malaysia,
done a little bit of everything,
little bit of everywhere,
with a little bit of everyone,
all the girls i've been with,
things i've seen it takes much to impress,
but sure enough your glow it makes your soul stand out from all the rest,
there's a million girls around,
but i see only u re the special one.
girl, u're so one in a million,
u 're the best i ever had,
and i'm certain that
there ain't nothing better than u,
u re not a regular girl,
u don't give a damn about the loot,
for the ending of my first begin,
and for the rare and unexpected friend
for the way u're something that i never choose,
but at the same time something i don't wanna lose,
and never wanna be without ever again...
the way u smile and how u comfort me (with ur laughter)
i must admit, u were not a part of my book,
but now if u open it up and take a look,
u re the beginning and the end of every chapter,
u have my heart,
and we'll never be apart,
maybe in magazines, but u'll still be my star,
baby ? cause in the dark,
u can't see shiny cars, and that's when u need me there,
with u i'll always share,
when the sun shines, we'll shine together,
told u i'll be here forever, said i'll always be a friend,
took an oath, i'ma stick it out till the end.
now it's raining more than ever,
know that we still have each other,
u can stand under my umbrella,
these fancy things, will never come in between,
u're part of my entity, here for infinity,
when the war has took it's part,
when the world has dealt it's cards,
if the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart,
u can run into my arms, it's okay don't be alarmed,
come here to me, there's no distance in between our friendship,
so go on and let the rain pour,
i'll be all u need and more, cause i love u and more,
and here's the finale, i know u don't like to read long post,
but this is what came from my heart,
terang-terang, bersama rasa sayang, ku biarkan kau terbang....
terang-terang....sudut kecilku isi, tuk senyuman mu nanti.....
thanks for everything, u re the best thing ever been mine...
may our friendship never lasted, till the death separate us.
last but not least, i love u deeply.
*specially made for andra radhy, my table mate in 4SC3(science agama) in SMK Sultanah Bahiyah, 2011
*inspired by one in a million song, never knew i needed, umbrella, kotak hati, for the rest of my life and all the sweet memories with andra radhy. :)
posted by che' nina & mr. walkman d[0.o]b
memang sedih untuk meninggalkan sahabat yang memahami diri kita..bersama kita ketika susah dan senang :)
ReplyDeleteyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............. wuwuwu.... sobs sobs.... ap pun, tader bnda y kekal dlm dunia ni... setiap pertemuan msti ad perpisahan. :)