so, this is the face of sengal's :

mady, :D

langit dan kerak bumi, :)

pojan, :D

kuceng gendut :D

bismillahirrahmanirrahim and assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh people, :D
i'm sorry for long time no update eventhough in this nice month of Ramadan,
we can go back home every week. ahaha.
first of all, i'm just lazy to update my blog cause i didn't have the mood to update,
secondly, err. eh. tu je kot. it's just because i'm lazy. ngahahaha.
okay. here's an update for what had happen in my life.
it's been 4 months since i leave bahiyah for KUPSIS.
and it's been 4 months i stop learning arabic, syariah islamiah and quran sunnah.
(well, i still felt guilty until now)
but right now, on this very second,
i'm at atiqah zahari's house, which is on of my besties's house.
uhm..... i enjoyed sleepover here, and it's not only me sleepover here,
there are fairuz fatini yusof (paiyuz) and noralia farida (alia).
and our activity during this two days of staying here, we just watching movie, cooking.......
err. i think that's all. hahahaha. on the third day, which is today, barulah we all bukak buku and study. and guess what? we study add math. including me,
who is the laziest person among us. hahahaha. kenape,? x pecaye ke,?
then kitorang baru nak basuh baju BATIK. when this evening kitorang nak kene balik kupsis dah. npk sgt anak dare anak dare sengal ni pemalas eh,? hahahaha.
hem. yesterday kitorang gi bukak puase at jitra's pizza hut.
me, paiyuz, alia, keyo and puchong (mirza).
we ordered set meal 6 for 6 person, thai seafood y large,
super supreme y medium. air pulak mountain dew.
and i ordered chocolate ice float, my fav. drinks at pizza,
and unfortunately, puchong didn't eat seafood, so he ordered spaghetti.
then dah kenyang gila makan, me and paiyuz(piranhas) pun overload,
puchong ordered desert, which is mango ape tah....
and there's a surprise. dapat free desert kut,!
we don't know who gave us the free desert, and for whom. haha.
if we remember it.... funny pun ad. :D the desert is puddings, rose falvoured, in a cupcake's punya bekas, and wrote on three of them is I <3 U.
seriously. i'm not kidding. here's the proof.
see the I <3 U's word,? sweet kan,?
at first we thought puchong punye keje cuase he ordered desert.
then he said tu la first time dy mkn kat situ,
haha. then alia cakap.... kakak2 and abang2 kat pizza tu dr tadi tgk kitorang.
hemmmm.... maybe cause we looks like school's student, and me, paiyuz and alia wear BAJU KURUNG that time. no kiding people. i'm dead serious. HAHAH.
when one of the waiter sent the desert to us, all the abang2 and kakak2 y berkumpul kat kaunter amik makanan tu clapped their hand kut,,,,. haha. we certainly don't know what they mean...
mahu bertanya malu, tak bertanya jadi la tak tahu.
maybe one of the abang mahu mengurat alia y segak kut,? haha. who knows kan. :)
and for atiqah zahari & mohamad mirza, fairuz fatini beserta alia farida,
thanks a lot to all of you, fof giving me that sweet memories. :)
i love sengal. :D
my 4 months in kupsis doesn't make me be a gooooooood girl. :)
bahahaha. saya nakal.
sekarang makin lama makin kurang hajar sikit.
but hey, don't blame me okay,?
when we (sengal's) or just me did problem like....
em... not abiding school's rule, we DID NOT invlove other people okay.
but until now, i still don't understand why on earth they hate (or in proper words, DID NOT LIKE) us..... we don't even disturb their life kut,!
hahaha. mula mula care la jgk ap y "diorang" tu cakap.
but then... when we think back, it's not worth it if we care what they say.
hey, this is our life kan,? so, sukahati sukasuki kitorang la nk live our life hell or well kan,?
well, hell in their terms different from ours.
well in our terms of course, sgt la berbeza dgn diorang mcm langit dgn kerak bumi tau.
live hell or live well, we decide. and we're 16.
and yang lawaknye, there's someone 'angel' said that,
"amalina ni baik sebenarnya. tapi sebab kawan-kawan dia jadi camtu(nakal etc)"
errr... hullo,? i would like to ask you, i might be 16 years old,
just a teenager yang x reti nk siang ikan lagi,
but... to say the reasons i nakal sbb ikut kawan tu mcm x munasabah.
16 is enough to think by yourself though not rationally,
but still, 16 is no 13/14. if i am 13/14 yes you can say i'm influence by my friends.
the conclusion is,
we just don't give a fcuk on what they think and say about us.
not because we are getting tired, but because it's not worth it.
if they ARE truly an angel, we might can accept what they say about us, man.
bahahahaha. and IF they knew us well enough, penah talk to us,
MAYBE we can accept what they say kan.
but then.... sembang ngn kitorang pun x penah.
tetiba nk mengamuk kutuk kitorang pulak.
hahahahahaha. lawak gila kut. fcku off man. get a life lah. =="
and lagi satu,
kes usha mengusha macam org sangap (mmg sangap pun depa tuuu)
x guna punya orang sial betul.
dear mata keranjang, WHAT IF there's somebody you know,
usha you punya awek or kakak/adik/mak lah kan.
then org tu bgtau you pulak. HOW DO YOU feel,?
msti sakit hati punyaaa kan,? awek aku org usha pulak, pastu kutuk,
mesti panas punya kan kan,? oi mata keranjang x guna,! org buat mcm tu kat hang punya awek form 2 bru tau,! geram x igt ak kat hang. mcm nk p letak bom c4 ja kat hang. biaq besepai lemak. konon orang penting. =,=
p/s : minta maaf, amaliena ziyad naik angin satu badan bila mengenang benda ni.
cakap korang angel. kenapa ad org mcm tu,? hum,?
GTH la 'angel'
get a life. live your life. and jgn kacau hdup org.
dear sengal's,
let's be tabah and tough okay,?
bahahahaha, fcku what they said.
kita tak kacau orang. :)
dear kuceng gendut,
tlg take care my buah hati pengarang jantung intan payung karat manis masin busuk masam tu ye. as aku x bole nk fly pi A3. bahahahaha.
nyway, thx sbb be my and his friend. be our friend.
ceria sikit hidup sejak kucing gendut memunculkan diri tayang muka manja membuatkan dia dikutip oleh sengal's y berhati mulia ni. okay. jk ja, jgn mkn hati naaa kuceng. :D
dear buah hati pengarang jantung intan payung karat manis masin busuk masam,
thank you for everything.
no more words cause i'll make sure only you know it. :D
dera haters,
live your hell. ;)
dear readers,
i'm sorry sbb byk words and ayat y harsh.
this is where i rant on don't i,?
btw thanks sbb baca jugak though bukanlah blog maria elena pun.
may be peace upon you. d[^_^]b
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