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earthlings,! LOL,~ :3
it's been awhile since last i update my blog.
emm, no i didn't go anywhere interesting or did a job...
just lazy to update. hehe.
so, since last week if i'm not mistaken, i started morning jog routine at The Darulaman Lake, Jitra.
with Aida Amalina. and sometimes joined by Keyo and Sara.
Lol. i'll say i'm quite a determine girl kut
cause pepagi buta nak bgn dr katil tu mmg menguji iman sungguh. :)
to start something new is easy but to istiqamah truly and fully hard.
now trying to istiqamah jogging and exercising for my own sake. :)
yes, it is indeed for my health.
gila overweight and obes sgtlah x sihat dan mengundang penyakit.
besides. i need to take care of my cardiac kan. Lol. :3
k. you must be wondering what on earth kaitannya post kali ni dgn picture tu kan,?
gonna talk about what has been in my heart for awhile.
you see. lately i've been thinking of something.....
hem....this issue is quite complicated though.
cause this issue include other people's heart and feelings.
it is never easy to keep your head up and your hear strong.
some decision is very hard to make.
for example when it comes to your religion and relationships.
before i begin pouring you what i've been thingking lemme tell you something.
mark my words peeps,
CHANGE do easy.
but to istiqamah is the hardest.
you see.
ini suara hati aku.
"aku teringin untuk mengabdikan diri aku untuk Allah dan memberi 100% hati aku untuk Allah."
yes. once i did told Alia Syahirah about this... about teringin nak fully for Allah.
it's hard cause i am in a relationship right now.
kita tak tahu hati orang.
adakah dia boleh terima kalau aku kata.
aku nak devote life and hati aku untuk Allah semata sampai lah aku rasa the right time untuk fikir relationship.
will he understand,?
takut untuk luka kan perasaan orang tu of course la ada.
it ain't an easy task to do.
to break the love relay and focus to Allah only.
i admit that i am not a good muslimah.
but i'm trying to be one.
Ya Allah. permudahkan lah urusan hambaMu ini.
Ya Allah. kekalkanlah aku di jalan Mu.
aku percaya. pada umur aku 18 tahun ni.
i don't need a special boyfriend yet.
aku perlukan Allah semata.
sedang usia menginjak tua, dosa demi dosa aku buat.
kalau nak mati esok lusa pun boleh.
hari demi hari.
timbang antara dosa dan pahala semakin x seimbang.
semakin berat dosa. pahala ringan sahaja.
i believe in Allah.
ya Allah. berikan aku kekuatan.
tu part 1.
ni part 2.
i have been searching for new clothes since lepas spm lg.
but x jumpa lg y betul betul ikut piawai. hohoho.
disebabkan kesusahan nak cari baju y ikut piawai,
*yela aku kan badan besar. lol,~
buat aku berazam untuk bukak bisnes nanti. hahaha.
bukak bisnes baju, khas utk muslimah. :3
insyaAllah. perancangan semata. kalau diizinkan Allah, alhamdulillah. :)
semoga Allah bantu aku dalam kepayahan ini.
kepayahan untuk istiqamah dan buat sehabis baik dalam beribadat kepadaNYA.
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and may peace be upon you.
posted by amalienaziyad. d[u.u]b
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