About Me

My photo
sweet 18, currently lives in Tanah Melayu, gadis melayu, love baju kurung, and just a plain girl which awesome in my own way. *warning : this blog may contains my bad side, stupid side, rude side, you name it. but also contains my bright side of course. :D

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Alhamdulillah, :)

assalamualaikum and good day peeps. :)
alhamdulillah, hari ni hari terakhir dlm 2011 in masihi year. 
and esok 2012. lusa aku balik hostel. tulat memulakan persekolahan dalam form 5.
so akan bermula lah kehidupan bagai dilanda puting beliung aku. busy x igt dunia.
ekhem. 2011 year y paling banyak sekali menduga aku. seriously.
semakin tua semakin hebat cabaran yang aku alami.
alhamdulillah, aku masih bernafas kat bumi ciptaan Allah, di dalam jasad dan nyawa yang Allah dah bagi pinjam kat aku. aku face dgn problem yang....aku fikir aku takkan face. tu fikiran singkat aku masa muda dulu [skrg pun muda lagi, :p ]. contohnya, problem in love. i used to say, suicide because of love is the stupidest thing ever done kan. tapi, bila tahun ni, bila aku sangkut, baru aku tahu langit tu tinggi ke rndah. macam macam thought yang terlintas kat fikiran aku bila aku rasa diri x disayangi oleh mr.f. seriously. bukan nya aku puja tinggi melangit mr.f aku macam xda life. tapi maybe.....sebab rasa sayang yang teramat kut. aku tak tahu lah. tapi jgn terkejut, kalau aku bagi tahu yang aku penah je terfikir utk suicide bila aku dan mr.f gaduh suatu ketika dulu. and pernah jugak aku kata yang orang banyak bercerai berai berpisah disebabkan benda remeh dan bodoh. tapi sebab benda remeh dan bodoh yang aku pernah fikir tu lah aku gaduhkan dgn mr.f. hahaha. memang. korang yang baca ni mesti rasa aku bodoh kan,? jadi macam tu sebab cinta. [puh-lease, pelajaran aku x penah terjejas sbb love aku okay,? tu sbb aku slalu main ja. =3= ] tapi korang kena igt.....kalau korang x penah alami, korang jangan main cakap je...nnti Allah bagi kita rasa, kut kita yang x survive.....betapa hebatnya kuasa cinta tu sampai boleh buat orang lain gila dan suicide. yes. there's a different between kebodohan dan cinta yang agung. tapi there's a million of situation to think of. kalau aku nk kupas kan, boleh lah aku buat tesis pasal cinta yang Allah cipta ni kan. conclusion is : bila kawan kawan korang or orang keliling korang hadapi masalah ni, puh-lease-lah, jgn fikir yang korang ni baik dan waras sgt utk fikir "aku takkan sebodoh tu utk cinta" or etc. baik doa semoga kita x jadi mcm tu daripada bongkak kata macam macam. alhamdulillah aku survive cabaran ni.

sebenarnya ada byk lagi y aku mahu kongsikan, tapi aku malas sebab ada orang menuggu aku. :)
meh nak cerita pasal pelangi di sebalik mendung yang aku hadapi. :) 

sengal's ni kawan kawan yang paling rapat kat sekolah. diorang ni.......aku sayang setengah mati though aku kenal diorang kejap je. seriously. diorang hebat sbb banyak buat aku bukak mata and mind aku.

to sengals : thanks for all the sweet memories you gave me. 
to mr.f : thanks for everything.
to army : thanks for still being my bestest friend.
to 4sc3 : thanks for still remembering me. 
to anybody and everybody : thank you and sorry if i did anything wrong and hurt you.

p.s again, sebenarnya aku tak tahu apa aku tulis....so...jangan kutuk aku dalam hati korang ehh,? ni kan blog aku. :) thank you again.


posted by amalienaziyad. d[3.3]b

Monday, December 26, 2011

wishlist 2012

Assalamualaikum and good day peeps,! 
hemm....it's 16 days more to my birthday...but i think i'd already have my wishlist.
hoho, saja syok sendiri buat wishlist ^_^

- novels (dah di fulfill oleh abah and mama, :) )

iPod touch 4th gen with 200 new features 32gigs 
- iPod touch,!!!! (uhhh, i'm dying to have this,! ) 
- new purse ( yeah, i need to grow up and have a more mature purse )
- a pair of heels ( which will give my friends heart attack as i wear sneakers normally)
- cool sling bag from tropicana life ( but this one can wait )
- nikon d7000 ( which, can wait too )
- any phone that have android os. ( next 2 years perhaps )
- shawls ( this, can wait too ) 

hemmm....aku rasa tu je kut whish list aku. hohoho, i'm not hopin all the wish to be granted tapi just having fun listing my wishlist ja. :) all that matters is alhamdulillah kalau aku hidup sampai next year dan amik spm. 

p.s HAPPY BORNDAY HAZIRAH,!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
love ya, and may Allah bless you with prosperity and straight a's spm. :)
nah, aku bagi cake ni kat hang for free ja,! XD

posted by amalienaziyad. d[3.3]b

perempuan dan kesempurnaan

biarkan aku khabarkan padamu,
bahawa aku cuma gadis biasa,
aku bukan bidadari kayangan yang sempurna.
aku bukan rupawan dari ceritan dongeng yang sangat jelita.
aku cuma gadis biasa.
hidupku pun bukan hanya indah dan bahagia.
biar aku ingatkan kamu,
bahawa aku bukan bidadari yang turun ke bumi.
dengan kejelitaan dan kesempurnaan yang kamu impikan.

bukalah mata.
kau pun bukanlah putera impian dari cerita dongeng.

mengapa tidak kita sama-sama memperbaiki diri?
dari sibuk menuding jari pada ketidaksempurnaan masing-masing?

*found this on my tumblr.
posted by amalienaziyad. d[3.3]b

Sunday, December 25, 2011

blog list : we're the students of SBP

Assalamualaikum and good day peeps, 
My name is Amaliena Ziyad (okay, aku tipu. nama sebenar aku Nor Amalina binti Ibrahim)
currently 16 to 17 this January. yeah. SPM next year. And aku target 8A+ 1A je memandangkan aku x mempunyai keyakinan yang cukup untuk meyakinkan diri aku sendiri bahawa aku boleh score Biology A+ [yep, aku memang flunk bio +_+]. I'm studying at Kubang Pasu Science School, [KUPSIS for short] in Jitra, Kedah. Not a popular shcool for now cause it's a new school but it'll get famous soon, insyaallah. :)

I was placed in 4 Fikir, which mean i take 9 subjects only. There were 27 people in this class with their own attitude. Hemm..... There's a lot of sweet memories to be told actually. But the sweetest is when i found the most wonderful friends on earth i ever met, which is Afiqah, Fairuz, Atiqah, Athifa, Azizam, Alia, Mady, Syahier, Ijat, Mirza, Faris and last but not least Fauzan. And nice people yang aku kenal rapat agak lambat sikit are the freak face Syaqib, the tough Amett, and hillarious Iwan. 
Kenangan pahit,? heh, tak banyak pun, tapi tak banyak ni lah yang bagi binasa result final exam aku.
hemm...since aku da penah rant dalam blog aku pasal kenangan pahit aku kat kupsis ni, i didn't even remember about it. so to say, aku dah tak de kenangan pahit in here. 

characteristic aku :
- bukanlah seorang yang sangat kreatif dan cerdik pandai. aku takde la lawa sangat or tak da rupa langsung.
hemm.. aku sederhana dalam semua aspek. tak lupa, aku bersaiz gemuk, [puh-lease, jgn tertipu dengan gambar-gambar di bawah okay.] hemm. aku macam tak de characteristic "the superb sbp student" sangat kut. entahh. aku cuma jadi diri aku dan aku masih lagi mencari siapa diri aku. hoho. yang pasti, aku type yang minde your own business and look on yourself before you critics others. 

so, this is my crazy friends and me.

my tags :


posted by amalienaziyad. d[3.3]b

Sunday, December 18, 2011


assalamualaikum and good day peeps, 
hoho, sorry ad gambar kurang sopan di atas ye. :) 
one easy question, adakah lady di atas ni cantik,? 
well, dari sudut pandangan aku, both my eyes said that that girl's a ten. means, i say, she's eautiful.
tak tahulah kalau korang tgk dia korang kate hodoh or biase je tgk dy. 
hem, actually gmbr dia ni ak jumpa kat tumblr ak. sesuai la ngn tjuk entry aku kali ni kan, 
cantik, beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, jelita dan sewaktu dengannya. :D
hemmm, pandangan mata setiap orang sebenarnya berbeza pada pendapat aku.
it depends on how someone sees it. pada aku dia ni cantik je.

hemm, how about aku pulak,? lets compare me and her, 
*sorry sebab pintu lokar aku terbukak luas kat belakang, :D *

okay, that's me, in my favourite baju kurung cotton aku lepas prep malam rasanya. 
kalau nk compare aku dgn model tadi y namanye miranda kerr kalau x silap memanglah bagai langit dan kerak bumi kut. hohoho, aku ni muka rakyat biasa, comel sikit je [kenyataan] hahaha,
to be honest, slalu kalau aku scroll tumblr aku, or ak pergi tuisyen ke, or aku keluar pergi mane mane, mesti je aku akan "woahhhh, cantiknye die tu,!" or "mahu cantik macam die,!" kalau aku terjumpa mana mana gadis or lady yang lawa. compared to me, aku mmg gemok, bermuka bulat and pendek. aku rasa tu je yang bezanya aku dengan diorang. what, aku beautiful in my way ape. hoho. bukan nk perasan tapi cantik tu bukan semata mata figure sahaja. attitude and dalaman pun mau kira jugak tau. but still, after meyakin kan diri dengan kata kata semangat still aku masih ade perasaan rasa tidak selamat. rasa macam kalau aku x cantik x de sape nk kawan dengan aku. jgn gelak kalau aku cakap yang kadang kadang aku jeles dengan kawan kawan aku yang bagi aku sgt pretty. seriously. bila aku ada perasaan mcm tu, maka confident level aku turn to a ZERO. even dgn cousins aku pun aku boleh rasa down to earth. melihatkan bila mereka pakai ape pun, even pkai simple sbb nk keluar pergi mcd pun nampak lawa. aku rasa mcm aku ni dork je bila jalan ngn diorg. hoho. true. aku mmg rasa mcm tu pun.

but...to think back.....everybody's beautiful. and my mr.f pun selalu je cakap aku ni cantik sebenarnya. cantik in my own way. hoho. dia kata mcm tu sbb dy tu intan payung aku, memang lah kan, hahaha. tapi ade satu thought yang buat aku bersyukur dgn ape y aku ade, that is round and cute face, [please, aku tak halusinasi okay?] what i'm trying to say is, aku ade something yang model model jelita or gadis y jadi roll model shawl x de. same jugak dengan orang lain yang have the same feeling mcm aku. and model model jelita and gadis shawl probably pun ade feeling mcm aku jugak. kan semua human being je. ponit aku....Allah kan dah cipta kita sebaik baiknya, Allah maha adil lagi, cipta setiap orang ade kelebihan and keistimewaan, kelemahan and keburukan. so....we don't have to feel yang kita ni kekurangan. sebab kita sendiri pun cantik in our own way.
untuk semua ladies [*perasan macam ade orang nk bace blog aku, :D * ]
mcm y picture atas ni kate, you're amazing just the way you are, seriously.

nah, ni untuk korang jugak. dan untuk aku. :)
i'm beautiful, you're beautiful, everyone is beautiful.
and jgn lupa, say Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah.

* photo curtsy : tumblr *

p.s aku tak tahu pun aku tulis ape ni. main hentam type jek. hoho.

may be peace upon you. 

posted by amalienaziyad. d[3.3]b

Saturday, December 17, 2011

so true, :D

yeah. so ture. ;D
posted by amalienaziyad. d[3.3]b

if Allah wants it to happen, it will :)

assalamualaikum and good day peeps, :)

humm, i found this good picture on my tumblr which is http://amalienaziyad.tumblr.com/ [you can follow me if you want, :) ] now, i would like to dedicate this quotes to my dear friend, anis syakirah or adik. it's been a long time since i last saw adik. and i missed her so much. :'( so...lately i'd been texting with her and she told me that she and her most beloved pet sister had broken up. and she was so sad about it. i knew she love her so much and it had cuse her so much pain.......hemm....aku rasa ad hikmah y maha besar kau experience benda ni. i mean, mana tahu kalau next time you experience the same thing, so you will know. kan,? quoting the quotes, "if Allah wants it to happen, it will happen" mcm y hang ckp kat aku....kalau x jd mcm tu hg x knai la dy tu mcm mn kan,? hee, la ni ak hope hang dengan kakak tu bahagia okay. :) pasal benda lama and benda benda y ak buat smpai hg sakit hati ke, aku minta maaf okay. i missed and love you for a thousand years. ;)

p.s semoga hang terus kekal cantik comel jelita. :)

*adek tercinta* :)

so....the conclusion is, live your life and love your life, and jgn lupa, Allah kan maha adil, what goes around comes around. :)

may be peace upon you. 
posted by amalienaziyad. d[3.3]b

Monday, November 28, 2011

ranking sbp based on final exam

assalamualaikum and good day peeps,
first of all nk ucap congrats kat bacth ak, chivalry generation sbb dpt number 6 in ranking sbp,
bukan bangga sgt pun dgn sekolah tp lebih kpd bangga dgn batch sniri.
before this some cikgu2 and students lain (mostly form fivers) kata batch kita teruk kan,
tp aku rasa through ranking ni kita da prove kat diorang...banyak kut.
though kita menari, play music, couple(err, ni ditegah), masalah disiplin(nakal, normal la tu), etc, still, boleh je score. insyaAllah spm nnti kita semua straight a's, amin.
to those y x puas hati kata kami bangga lah ap lah, (inside this batch or outside the batch), mind your own business and shut your mouth up. x payah la nk bising mengutuk.
penat lah jadi org spisis camtuh. =..=

KEDUDUKAN SEKOLAH MENGIKUT GRED PURATA KESELURUHAN(GPK) Nama Peperiksaan : P4 : Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun Tahun :2011 Tingkatan/Tahun:4 1 KOLEJ TUNKU KURSHIAH = 2.9063
4 SM SAINS TAPAH = 3.3754
11 SM SAINS REMBAU = 3.9726
15 SM SAINS ALAM SHAH = 4.0207
21 SM SAINS JOHOR = 4.1776
22 SM SAINS MACHANG = 4.1806
25 SM SAINS MUAR = 4.2515
36 SM SAINS MIRI = 4.5351
48 SM SAINS SABAH = 4.9191
50 SM SAINS LABUAN = 5.1824
52 SM SAINS DUNGUN = 5.3828

sekian, sorry if ad y hurt.
fullstop, may be peace upon you.
posted by amalienaziyad. d[0.o]b

Thursday, November 24, 2011

the picture and it's story

one picture can just tell you the story behind it.
i love this picture. :)

posted by amalienaziyad. d[0.o]b

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

thanks for the memories, :)

enough said,
they coloured up my life beutifully,
though there's some stain made by the haters,
but that's what make us more stronger.
i love sengal's,
and i love mr.F.

posted by amalienaziyad. d[0.o]b

Monday, November 7, 2011

p.s. i love you

assalamualaikum, hullo peeps,! okay. my blog had 10 inch of dust since i'm dead busy+lazy to update my blog. and there's no stories to rant about. haha. okay. i'm lying. there's a lot to tell but i'm just too lazy. hehe. but now i just finished my final exam(which had successfully made me go migrain+messed up) and i think i should update my blog to rant since i'm kinda lack of credit to call my dear friend, andra radhy though i missed her so much. i missed our old times, i missed my time with my hotels friends last year, i missed my girlfie, nabila who always inspire me to study for my pmr, i missed aqilah who always listen to me and made me think rationally, i missed people in bilik iqra' 3 last year who never fail to make me laugh hysterically. hemm.... seriously. i missed them a lot. there's more than thousands of our memories. they coloured my life colourfully, which made me wanna go back to my old school but i just can't though my mom did ask me whether i wanna go back or not. bu i just can't turn back. i missed Bahiyah's Police Cadet. i missed my time with them. i missed to marching with them. i missed to share foods with them. i missed every moment with them.

to be honest......before i went to my current school which is kupsis, i expected more than bahiyah. you know. just because of it's SBP school status. hem. i did istikharah but the result is kupsis. so.....though i kinda feel like i don't wanna go cause i'd already like the environment in bahiyah. and i love my class, my friends and my teachers so much. but who am i to questioned what had written for me. so i go. leaving all the opportunities that i might not get in kupsis. since this is end of year, i can make a conclusion : i wish, i can undo time. that's all. it's not that i regret studying here but......i just sad. i'm totally sad. it's not my wish to humiliate my current school, but this is my blog and this is where i rant. first when i went to this school, i was so shocked. surely it's building is pretty and all because this school just 3 years old. but the students got no sbp's culture y' know. i can say, asma, bahiyah, ibrahim and other school which we came from, got more sbp's culture. but one thing that i respect this school because of it's islamic environment. not so islamic but, islamic. haha. it got no entertainment, it got no niche area to be the identity of this school (but the principal said, he want english as the niche area which my friends and i found very amusing). the students are so lame (including me), the school itself are so lame. i think everything is lame here. it's not that i'm not being greatful as there's somebody out there even got no school but here i am complaining about my school. but it's the truth.

my du'a is, i don't want to be a seniors like my form fiver's senior this year. nuazubillahiminzalik i be like 'em all. bitches and hypocrite they are. uh oh, not all of them, but some of them. yes, sape terase amik je. if you are nit bitches and hypocrite then you don't have to feel mad at me because i wrote these. and i had right to say 'em all bitches cause they are bitch to me. everyday bitching on me. i'm tired of it and i'm sick of it. don't they got other work to do,? instead night and day they are worrying about me and my friends, bitching on us, spying on us, and tell their friends fitnah about us as many as they can. yeah. truth about my senior this year. i repeat, not all of them but some of them. i wonder.....whether they ever see themselves on the mirror,? cause whatever they say to us, is like they said to themselves. me and my friends usually ignored whatever we heard they say about us cause we got no time for that. baik la kitorang do something else y mndtgkan faedah utk kitorang than we too be like them which is stupidly bitching on 'em. but....we're human too. till when we can hold on our anger. i lied if i said we didn't feel anything when we heard them saying. it's true that we don't give a damn on whatever they say but....we have patience too. the final blow is when on of them, which called rhinosaures (to be polite but harhsly most of students in kupsis called her bulldog cause of her attitude and face) "accidentally" pushed my friend when there was obviously, the road is big enough for 5 people to walk at the same time. hum hum. luckily my friend didn't fall in the drain.

when she's with her gang, and either one of us is near them or we near them, they will spoke aloud, sarcastically about us. ha ha ha. what we did in return, just plastered a poker face while saying sarcastically back to them. *sigh* can't believe that we be children like them. berani mengata bila dgn geng, suruh kata face to face x nak, mengata belakang pun berani. how childish and stupid they are. uh oh, before that, i wanna stressed on these statement which is, my friends and i, NEVER ever mind their business. lantak diorang lah diorang nk buat ap. dah besar and ad otak pun. =,=

hemm. btw, two days before spm, my favourite teacher who knew my problem had asked her to confront me in the music room. so there i am with athifa, confronted her, asking what on earth that she didn't like about us. surprisingly, she did not want to spill everything. apparently she's afraid. and there's my teacher accompany us but she's currently doing her work. she didn't interrupt in our problem. hem...she said she and her batch(girls only) didn't like me cause of fauzan. okay. she said that fauzan used to be anti couple last year. but then this year he couple with you. she said that he's a hypocrite, lier. and he has money(wealth) to attract girls. ekhem. none of she said can shake my trust towards him. wll. i did asked him weather any of she said is true. and the truth is he used to be such critics towards her because of her own attitude(it's like most of her own batch didn't like her). he acting like bitch(anti couple and etc) only to her. hahaha. i knew the story. and she didn't even admit that he did anything towards us. such a noble person she is. they made me cry several times and made me go mad and tension. seriously. i've never felt so tense in my 16 years life. but to think back, such a stupid reason they hated me. they hated me being with fauzan. they hated us being ourselves, they hated us being together, having a great bond of friendship, they hated us cause we live our life, they hated us cause we stay strong no matter what they did and said to us.

dah la. malas nk cerita lagi. haha. dah lupa sbb bnda da lepas. =..=

new school.new life.new friends

yes, yes it is, so true.
baru2 ni ad baca entry baru aqilah samad....
i kinda touched by her post and some of her status....
:) she might thought that i'd forgotten all my old friends at bahiyah and happy with my new friends and new school. first of all... i would like to apologize to my friends that felt like i'd forgotten them, for not getting in touch with you all.
haha. idk why, i'm just too lazy.
and as you feel that i'd forgotten you....i also feel that...
all of you had move on your life, and get over me.
it's like....when i tried to have a conversation with you all, we'll be awkward.
we'll chat, then we'll fell silent.
i'm not texting you or tag a post of you in fb doesn't mean i soo get over you.
doesn't mean i forgot you, doesn't mean that i never thought of you.
fyi, i'm always thought of you all, missing every moment with you,
repeating again and again in my head. it's just i didn't show it.
me and my friends, (sengal's)
we have a strong bonds of friendship because we felt the same way.
we are in the same boat.
sama-sama rasa regret pindah. sama-sama jealous tgk profile kwn2 lama,
sama-sama jealous tgk pictures of our old school friends, remembering our old times with our old friends. it's just that. you don't know how i felt there.
how i struggled just to cope with my new environment.
everything is new here. do you think it's easy enough for me just to get over my old life, my old fame, my old friends,? naah. that's what hijrah for. to strengthen your heart.
entahla. move on my life doesn't mean i forget my old friends.

premise 1 : i missed my friends.
premise 2 : i move on my life.
conclusion : i never forgot all my memories with them.

p.s i love you

humphh. rasenye smpai sini je kut....malas dah la nk type.
lain kali update lagi. :B

p.s errr. sebenarnya ak pun x tahu ap ya aku tulis.
sorry for the wrong grammar (saya budak baru belajar)
errr....dah baca jgn komen, cause aku tulis ap y aku fikir. :)

posted by amalienaziyad. d[0.o]b

Monday, August 29, 2011


dear sengal's,
which is
noralia farida,
atiqah zahari,
fairuz fatini,
azizam zahari,
faris hashim,
athifa affin,
afiqah ismail

and fauzan wajdi, :)

not forgetting mardhiah sharif,

selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin dari hujung kaki sampai hujung rambut ikhlas dari
amaliena ziyad. hehehehe. i'm sorry for all 'ter terr' and for all 'sengaja'
sorry for all my dorkiness (including my hot tempered and ugly attitude)
sorry for all the words that might hurt y'all,
sorry for all promises that i did not do,
sorry for things i did that might hurt you,
pendek kata, sorry for everything lah,!
haha. and thanks for everything too.

love sengal's
love inche f.

with lots of love,
amaliena ziyad (mama chubby+hot)

may we be family forever,
may be peace upon you, amin. :)

posted by amalienaziyad. d[0.o]b

Saturday, August 13, 2011

i L.O.V.E you ;)



so, this is the face of sengal's :

mady, :D

langit dan kerak bumi, :)

pojan, :D

kuceng gendut :D

bismillahirrahmanirrahim and assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh people, :D
i'm sorry for long time no update eventhough in this nice month of Ramadan,
we can go back home every week. ahaha.
first of all, i'm just lazy to update my blog cause i didn't have the mood to update,
secondly, err. eh. tu je kot. it's just because i'm lazy. ngahahaha.
okay. here's an update for what had happen in my life.

it's been 4 months since i leave bahiyah for KUPSIS.
and it's been 4 months i stop learning arabic, syariah islamiah and quran sunnah.
(well, i still felt guilty until now)
but right now, on this very second,
i'm at atiqah zahari's house, which is on of my besties's house.

uhm..... i enjoyed sleepover here, and it's not only me sleepover here,
there are fairuz fatini yusof (paiyuz) and noralia farida (alia).
and our activity during this two days of staying here, we just watching movie, cooking.......
err. i think that's all. hahahaha. on the third day, which is today, barulah we all bukak buku and study. and guess what? we study add math. including me,
who is the laziest person among us. hahahaha. kenape,? x pecaye ke,?
then kitorang baru nak basuh baju BATIK. when this evening kitorang nak kene balik kupsis dah. npk sgt anak dare anak dare sengal ni pemalas eh,? hahahaha.

hem. yesterday kitorang gi bukak puase at jitra's pizza hut.
me, paiyuz, alia, keyo and puchong (mirza).
we ordered set meal 6 for 6 person, thai seafood y large,
super supreme y medium. air pulak mountain dew.
and i ordered chocolate ice float, my fav. drinks at pizza,
and unfortunately, puchong didn't eat seafood, so he ordered spaghetti.
then dah kenyang gila makan, me and paiyuz(piranhas) pun overload,
puchong ordered desert, which is mango ape tah....
and there's a surprise. dapat free desert kut,!
we don't know who gave us the free desert, and for whom. haha.
if we remember it.... funny pun ad. :D the desert is puddings, rose falvoured, in a cupcake's punya bekas, and wrote on three of them is I <3 U.
seriously. i'm not kidding. here's the proof.

see the I <3 U's word,? sweet kan,?
at first we thought puchong punye keje cuase he ordered desert.
then he said tu la first time dy mkn kat situ,
haha. then alia cakap.... kakak2 and abang2 kat pizza tu dr tadi tgk kitorang.
hemmmm.... maybe cause we looks like school's student, and me, paiyuz and alia wear BAJU KURUNG that time. no kiding people. i'm dead serious. HAHAH.
when one of the waiter sent the desert to us, all the abang2 and kakak2 y berkumpul kat kaunter amik makanan tu clapped their hand kut,,,,. haha. we certainly don't know what they mean...
mahu bertanya malu, tak bertanya jadi la tak tahu.
maybe one of the abang mahu mengurat alia y segak kut,? haha. who knows kan. :)

and for atiqah zahari & mohamad mirza, fairuz fatini beserta alia farida,
thanks a lot to all of you, fof giving me that sweet memories. :)
i love sengal. :D

my 4 months in kupsis doesn't make me be a gooooooood girl. :)
bahahaha. saya nakal.
sekarang makin lama makin kurang hajar sikit.
but hey, don't blame me okay,?
when we (sengal's) or just me did problem like....
em... not abiding school's rule, we DID NOT invlove other people okay.
but until now, i still don't understand why on earth they hate (or in proper words, DID NOT LIKE) us..... we don't even disturb their life kut,!
hahaha. mula mula care la jgk ap y "diorang" tu cakap.
but then... when we think back, it's not worth it if we care what they say.
hey, this is our life kan,? so, sukahati sukasuki kitorang la nk live our life hell or well kan,?
well, hell in their terms different from ours.
well in our terms of course, sgt la berbeza dgn diorang mcm langit dgn kerak bumi tau.
live hell or live well, we decide. and we're 16.
and yang lawaknye, there's someone 'angel' said that,
"amalina ni baik sebenarnya. tapi sebab kawan-kawan dia jadi camtu(nakal etc)"
errr... hullo,? i would like to ask you, i might be 16 years old,
just a teenager yang x reti nk siang ikan lagi,
but... to say the reasons i nakal sbb ikut kawan tu mcm x munasabah.
16 is enough to think by yourself though not rationally,
but still, 16 is no 13/14. if i am 13/14 yes you can say i'm influence by my friends.

the conclusion is,
we just don't give a fcuk on what they think and say about us.
not because we are getting tired, but because it's not worth it.
if they ARE truly an angel, we might can accept what they say about us, man.
bahahahaha. and IF they knew us well enough, penah talk to us,
MAYBE we can accept what they say kan.
but then.... sembang ngn kitorang pun x penah.
tetiba nk mengamuk kutuk kitorang pulak.
hahahahahaha. lawak gila kut. fcku off man. get a life lah. =="

and lagi satu,
kes usha mengusha macam org sangap (mmg sangap pun depa tuuu)
x guna punya orang sial betul.
dear mata keranjang, WHAT IF there's somebody you know,
usha you punya awek or kakak/adik/mak lah kan.
then org tu bgtau you pulak. HOW DO YOU feel,?
msti sakit hati punyaaa kan,? awek aku org usha pulak, pastu kutuk,
mesti panas punya kan kan,? oi mata keranjang x guna,! org buat mcm tu kat hang punya awek form 2 bru tau,! geram x igt ak kat hang. mcm nk p letak bom c4 ja kat hang. biaq besepai lemak. konon orang penting. =,=

p/s : minta maaf, amaliena ziyad naik angin satu badan bila mengenang benda ni.

cakap korang angel. kenapa ad org mcm tu,? hum,?
GTH la 'angel'
get a life. live your life. and jgn kacau hdup org.

dear sengal's,
let's be tabah and tough okay,?
bahahahaha, fcku what they said.
kita tak kacau orang. :)

dear kuceng gendut,
tlg take care my buah hati pengarang jantung intan payung karat manis masin busuk masam tu ye. as aku x bole nk fly pi A3. bahahahaha.
nyway, thx sbb be my and his friend. be our friend.
ceria sikit hidup sejak kucing gendut memunculkan diri tayang muka manja membuatkan dia dikutip oleh sengal's y berhati mulia ni. okay. jk ja, jgn mkn hati naaa kuceng. :D

dear buah hati pengarang jantung intan payung karat manis masin busuk masam,
thank you for everything.
no more words cause i'll make sure only you know it. :D

dera haters,
live your hell. ;)

dear readers,
i'm sorry sbb byk words and ayat y harsh.
this is where i rant on don't i,?
btw thanks sbb baca jugak though bukanlah blog maria elena pun.

may be peace upon you. d[^_^]b

posted by amalienaziyad. d[0.o]b

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

nice quotes, :)

“Feeling alone?
- Innallahha ma’ana
- Sesungguhnya Allah bersama kita

Saw evil act?
- Inni akhafullah
- Sesungguhnya aku takutkan Allah

Wishing something?
- Fa’iza ’azamta fatawakkal’alallah
- Setelah kamu berazam, maka bertawakkallah kepada Allah

Missing somebody?
- Ma fi qalbi ghairullah
- Tiada apa di dalam hati selain Allah”

posted by amalienaziyad. d[0.o]b

it's time for update. :D

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
oLa hey hello hye,!!!!
hehehehehehe......how long since i last update my blog ey?
long time. :) i know. sorry for that.
i'm just soooooo lazy to type and rant.....
but now i felt bad for leaving my blog and go on tumblr non-stop. teehe.
tumblr is fun,! but blog is the place where i rant....
okay. insyaAllah i will try to feed you up about what's happening and happened in my life.....
errr, this post. specially dedicated to my besties in bahiyah,
che aqilah abdul samad and others who still want to know how am i now. :)
and to aqilah, sorry for my long time no chatting with you. hehehe.
it's not that i forget you. how can i forget bahiyah when bahiyah had done a lot to me. :)
and so is my friends. no replacement for all of you.
especially ex-con bilik iqra' 3 last year kan,? :)

update 1 : Kubang Pasu Science School a.k.a KUPSIS

humm......i'm the third intake student with two other girls and two boys.
i'm in delta house, 2B11 room with other second intake girls at delta floor,
i only have 6 roommate, 6 form four, and 1 third intake form 1 in my room.
all my roommate are kind and crazy like me. teehe.
on the second floor wing b (delta wing) got 5 dorms (rooms).
in front of my dorm is delta form 2 student's room,
next form 2 is form 1, and in front of form 1, which is next to form 4's room (my room)
is form 3's room... another room is form 4 first intake and form 3.
what else you want to know? budaya?
hee, in kupsis, for aspuri, our timbalan ketua pelajar mewajibkan
aspuri go riadah when riadah time, while aspura, up to them whether they want to riadah or not. well......of course i don't like riadah. it's not that i'm lazy or anything....but it's because i prefer to rest after long tiring day at school and because riadah time finished at 6.15 evening. and aspuri warden usually insist us to empty the hostel sharp 7 o'clock. aw. cmon man. girls DO take time to get ready lah....... ye la, one floor already consists of estimately 80 and below girls. and in 45 minutes we must shower and get ready ourselves. tell you, it's not enough time lah. bukannya boleh main terjah camtu je shower....kena tender tender pulak. toilet pun org bantai mandi jgk, sbb nak make it sebelum pukul 7. kalau tidak...........kena nyanyi negaraku la. but depends warden jugak la. kalau ustazah..... ustazah siap round lagi pukul 7 dgn bawak hanger halau sesapa y ad dlm dorm bersiap lg. hahaha. but aku x penah kena lah mcm tu. :D ustazah x sempat hanger aku, aku dah lari turun dah. :D

dear aqilah and readers, this amalina ibrahim is a lazy and bad girl la. haha. hummm.....since in my room there's only 7 human.....we got 9 extra locker. aqilah tahu tak locker besar kat dorm 9 bahiyah? haaa, tu la, we all punya locker kan sorang sebijik besar tu. but i got.....another 4 extra locker. hahaha. it's not that i got so many things lah. :) lemme tell you. the friest extra locker is for me to put my beg, 2nd locker is for me to put clothes that didn't dry yet, 3rd locker i put my towel, and fourth, i put my school clothes to avoid them getting kedut. ye la. bukan senang ak nak iron baju sekolah kan..... :DD but not all 4 lockers i own it..... i shared it with my other roommates too, of course. :) we just lazy to walk to ampaian and afraid of it might rain or the wind blew so strong and the last thing we want is our clothes and towel is on the roof. faham kan? :D hum..... if nak cuci baju tu.... takde masalah.... selalu je dpt turn machine. kekadang ad jugak la org pedajal aku, potong turn machine. but jarang la.... hum.... weekdays morning usually i wake up at 4 a.m. shower myself, kekadang amik kesempatan humban baju dlm machine, tender shower utk roommates y mmg liat nk bgn pagi, then gerak diorg sruh mndi, then i get dressed in school uniform, pastu terus bantai tdo balik. hehehehehe. dear aqilah, you know i'm a lazy person. and i'm so lazy to queue shower behind people right? that's why la aku berusaha bg awal utk elak tender menender kena potong turn pegi sekolah lmbt nnti. hehehehe. but lately i woke up late. maybe because i'm tired kut. oh and oh, my roommates and some sigmarians f4 do call me "mak", just like bilik iqra's students last year. :) hahahaha. um.... wanna know who is sigmarians eh? well, aspuri and aspura got two wings. delta wing is next to sigma wing... and i kinda close with aspuri sigmarians f4 second floor dorm.. diorang gila and nakal cam aku jugak weh,! HAHA. :DD but i don't close with aspuri sigmarians f4 yang duduk dgn seniors kat ground floor dorm.... oh and oh, seniors fivers stays at ground floor dorms. all of them except timbalan kp. terlepas dduk 1st floor, wing gamma house. kalau ground floor....semua house ad sbb consits of all senior fivers. tp ad je y mix ngn juniors.

hmmm......if weekend.....on friday morning we got prep. 8-10.30. tp selalu je me, my roommates and some sigmarians f4 2nd floor ngelat. teehe. turun prep lmbt. :) ngalahkan aspura je. and usually we, kupsis students dapat outing on second week. aspuri on friday while aspura on saturday. helleh.....if kitorang outing pun.....kat jitra je... nk g alor setar jauh sgt. but me..... is another story. :) aku balik rumah je bila outing. hehehehe. but now, since result teruk, outing human human y result tak melepasi target disekat. including me. haha. for 1 month je kut....entah. emm....if not outing week, aspuri got usrah during afternoon. masa solat jumaat la. bila sabtu pulak, free je. cuma ad inspection je. kena kemas dorm and wing sniri. kalau wing, ikut jadual je....kalau dorm, dr siling smpai la celah locker kena bersih. y buat inspection usually prefect fivers. but now since fivers kena p tusen pkoi 8 lg. trial prefek la kna bt. kekadang pk hem or warden betugas round sniri tgk dorm and wing....and kalau wing or dorm kat wing tak menepati ciri2, kena deduct markah rumah kut,! under 3k punya category. ==" sini just like bahiyah jgk la. before leave the dorm for prep malam, kena kemas dorm.... if the warden in charge that day is not satisfied with our 3k's in dorm and wing, sometimes after supper time we have to roll call at the hostel compund. until the warden say we can go upstairs, then only we can go upstairs. and usually 11.30 a badar lelaki will recite al-mulk using the microphone that can connect aspura and aspuri. after reciting the al-mulk,, we must light off. kalau nak study or siapkn hw y x tersiap wktu prep, kena pegi study room at first floor. humm..... oh and oh, kat sini.... i can say, nearly 24 hours in weekdays we wear baju kurung. serious. from morning to evening after prep petang, wktu riadah pkai shirt la.... mlm pkai lg bju kurung. heh. kalau dlu dduk bahiyah korang bising solat pkai bju kurung wktu prep malm panas..... x merasa lg kat kupsis ni ha. smpai ak dah immune la dgn kepanasan tuh. :D if bahiyah just solat jemaah waktu maghrib and isya, at kupsis semua waktu jemaah at surau. sodorm is restricted forbid. even subuh, we tetap jemaah. ngaaa.... mula2 mmg lah malas. lama2 dah biasa..... and after maghrib, if the warden in charge x amik masa utk beleter tegur ap y ptut, we recite the al-Quran. a page a day. y cuti kena recite al ma'thurat at bilik rehat dlm aspuri....

now i'm a trial prefect...... so pepagi aku duty pukul 6.45 kena round wing sigma, ask the students to get ready faster, make sure that wing is clean, the dorm is tidy up and make sure the students empty the wing before 7 a.m. after 7 a.m, they'll consider as late comer. after round wing, me and another trial prefect kena tulis report kat pejabat warden. if they tak buang smpah kat wing ke, kasut tak besusun ke, cadar tak cekang ke.... kena tulis kat report book tu lah. bnda2 tu la y nnti deduct house's marks. just like in harry potter la. :) and delta house is maroon colour. our animal icon is cheetah. teehe. and our badge is like gryffindor's badge kut. ^_^ gryffindor's kan maroon,~ :D and kat sini, pemakaian hand socks digalakkan, pemakaian stocking dimestikan. :) and ak kelab kebudayaan dan kesenian. can't believe i'm in that kind of club whilst i'm not even close to a "org berseni". haha. irony. still in police cadet. but kupsis's police cadet kinda lame a little. not a little. i mean, literally lame. no offense. haha. y aktif krs je. x kan ak nk masuk krs kut.? no way. humm.... to be honest... i missed bahiyah's police cadet. :( i missed the latihan kawad.... i missed to train the pelapis.... i missed to pumping and knuckle.... i missed to run around the school in barisan..... i missed to do the formasi..... i missed the kem pusat..... i missed everything about bahiyah's KPDRM. :(

but, what to say. this is the path that i chose. may Allah guide me. amin.

hmmm....what's more to update ah? hah,! if nak tahu siapa kwn2 ak kat sini....
here they are,

roommates : teh azilah (taiping perak), athira ahmad (ipoh kut,), athifa (kedah je), afiqah (s'ngor), syaril (kedah je) and syakirah form1 (kedah jgk).

paling rapat ngn si athifa gila and afiqah tu la. haha. paling gila athifa ngn afiqah... afiqah tu gila ngn comel. hahahaha. serious comel. ank bongsu aku tu. ^_^
kalau sigmarians, si fairuz comel tu, atiqah lawa, k-anne putih+lawak+gila, hajar si badar style.... gamma pulak si alia segak tuh. ngn ahli dorm sigma tu pun ak rapat gak... boleh je masuk mode gila ngn diorang. hahahah. si puteri bahiyah tu pun dorm sigma....

kalau boys.... ak x de la rapat, tp boleh sembang la ngn diorang.... bebudak kelas aku, and kelas waja. kalau kelas sabar, sorang je y penah sembang ngn aku... pastu kelas mahir pun syahmi sorang je..... ngn fivers? hmm.... y boleh sembang gelak bt lawak ngn ak pun.... fauzan wjadi si badar and si faris hashim tu. tu je.... oh. and ak agak extra rapat ngn fauzan wajdi tu. :)

people around me. ummm..... so far, nice je. :)

hummm....... if tanya pasal feeling ak.
tpu la kalau x rndu bahiyah. but.... takde la rndu sgt2.
to be honest ak mcm x de feeling je dduk kupsis ni.
seronok pun x, x sronok pun x. :)
regret pun x.
ak pun x tahu knp..... tetiap hr ak pegi sekolah beg ringan je....
ye la, buku smua tgal kat locker kelas. and roommates ak cakap ak ni mcm x de barang je. diorg tgk locker ak mcm x de barang sdg kan locker diorang mcm penuh sikit. haha. ye la.... ak nak hangkut ap lg bawak g hostel.... kan? :D and, locker ak, ak kemas okay. x de semak2. ak pun sakit kepala kalau semak2. haha. mcm biasa, locker ak msti la ad novels and comics. :)

i guess till here je kut.......
hope you get a brief of my life at kupsis. :)
i missed you all.
i missed bahiyah's kpdrm especially.
i missed 4sc3,
i missed to speak arabic, to learn syariah and to study quran sunnah.

fullstop. :)

posted by amalienaziyad. d[0.o]b

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

just a rant and hope....

dear mr. a.m.a
i hope you will come back to me.
je t'aime toujours a.m.a

here's the songs that i dedicated to you. :\

We Belong Together - mariah carey
Songwriters: Edmonds, Kenny; Womack, Bobby; Austin, Johnata M; Bristol, Darnell; Seal, Manuel Lonnie; Dupri, Jermaine; Johnson, Sidney; Moten, Patrick L; Sully, Sandra; Carey, Mariah;

Ooh, oh, ooh, oh
Sweet love, yeah

I didn't mean it
When I said I didn't love you, so
I should have held on tight
I never shoulda let you go

I didn't know nothing
I was stupid, I was foolish
I was lying to myself

I could not fathom that I would ever
Be without your love
Never imagined I'd be
Sitting here beside myself

?Cause I didn't know you
?Cause I didn't know me
But I thought I knew everything
I never felt

The feeling that I'm feeling
Now that I don't hear your voice
Or have your touch and kiss your lips
?Cause I don't have a choice

Oh, what I wouldn't give
To have you lying by my side
Right here, ?cause baby

When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
?Cause we belong together

Who else am I gon' lean on
When times get rough?
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone
Till the sun comes up?
Who's gonna take your place?
There ain't nobody better
Oh, baby baby, we belong together

I can't sleep at night
When you are on my mind
Bobby Womack's on the radio
Saying to me

"If you think you're lonely now"
Wait a minute
This is too deep
(Too deep)
I gotta change the station

So I turn the dial
Trying to catch a break
And then I hear Babyface
"I only think of you"

And it's breaking my heart
I'm trying to keep it together
But I'm falling apart

I'm feeling all out of my element
I'm throwing things, crying
Trying to figure out
Where the hell I went wrong

The pain reflected in this song
It ain't even half of what
I'm feeling inside
I need you, need you back in my life, baby

When you left I lost a part of me
And it's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
?Cause we belong together

Who else am I gon' lean on
When times get rough?
Who's gonna talk to me on the phone
Till the sun comes up?
Who's gonna take your place?
There ain't nobody better
Oh, baby baby, we belong together, baby

When you left I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby, please
?Cause we belong together

Who am I gonna lean on
When times get rough?
Who's gonna talk to me
Till the sun comes up?
Who's gonna take your place?
There ain't nobody better
Oh baby, baby
We belong together

Alive lyrics [black eyed peas] [edited by me a little to fit this dedication]
Songwriters: Adams, William; Ferguson, Stacy; Gomez, Jaime; Harris, Keith; Pineda, Allan;

I've got so much love for you darlin'
And I, I wanna let you know how I feel

And it's true that I love you
And it's true you're the only one
And I do, I adore you
And it's true, boy

You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive, ive

You say, you say, you say that I'm the only one
You say that I'm your number 1
Now you're gone and I feel numb
Tell me where do we go wrong

You were my best friend and boyfriend
Now it seems like you're my worst friend
I gotta do soul searching
Without you I'm a whole different person

I ain't acting like I used to
I don't feel loved like I used to
It was your love I was used to
Why do I had to lo-lo-lose?

Your love, your love, your love
Your love is what it was
That have me feeling bust
You are my true love

And it's true that I love you
And it's true you're the only one
And I do, I adore you
And it's true, girl

You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive, ive

Hey boy, you're the only one
Supposed to be my number one
Now you're gone, I feel so numb
Tell me how do we go wrong

First friends then we became best friends
You used to be my boyfriend, now you're my worst friend
Yeah, I gotta do a lil' soul searching
Without you I'm a whole different person

I don't even act like how I used to
I don't even feel loved like I used to
I guess it's your love that I used to
And I feel bad that I had to lose you

I get so many things that I wanna s-s-say
I guess this mean that I'm missing you
Sorry for the things that I did to you
I'm so lost without you

And it's true that I love you
And it's true you're the only one
And I do, I adore you
And it's true, boy

You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive, ive

I've got so much love
I've got so much love
I adore you and it's true, girl

You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive
You make me feel alive, ive, ive, ive, ive

So easy to fall in love with you
And all the things that you do
Baby you're so remarkable
So special, so wonderful

So special, so wonderful
So special, so wonderful
Baby , you're so remarkable
So special

Missing You Lyrics - black eyed peas [edited by me a little]

I cant stand another night
Stand another night without you

Since you've been away
Everythings dont seem like they used to be
Between you & me
Cause im missing you
Im missing you, love

Im missing you
Im missing you, love
Im missing you, love
Im missing you, love

Yeah yeah yeah
Everyday everyday that you gone
Im singing out that sad song
If loving you is wrong
Then it must be wrong
Even if when im gone
Our love is strong
You're the one i want
You're my number one
I love you, not a fashion
I need to love your passion
But love is everlasting

Since you've been away
Everythings dont seem like they used to be
Between you & me
Cause im missing you
Im missing you, love

Im missing you
Im missing you, love
Im missing you, love
Im missing you, love

When im out on the road
Roking them shows
Opening monical
Making you go
What a ? you search
And glamorous
But i miss you
Yeah i miss you
I spent all my time
With you & me
My minds on you
Cause all i want is missing you

Since you've gone away
Everythings dont seem like they used to be
Between you & me
Cause im missing you
Im missing you, love

Im missing you
Im missing you, love
Im missing you, love
Im missing you, love

Without your love
You boy like ? love
Cant live without your love
Whats it like without your love
The whole world sucks without your love
Cant live without your love
Cant live without your love
What me without your love

last but not least. i put my hope high for you to come back to me. cause je t'aime comme un fou a.m.a :\
posted by amalienaziyad. d[0.o]b