assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh people. :)
alhamdulillah kita masih diberi kesempatan oleh Allah swt utk bernafas di muka bumi ni.
it's been a while since i last update about my current life kan,? muehehe.
alhamdulillah malam ni ada mood nk update blog.
to those who is wondering about my status,
i'm single but my someone stole my broken shattered heart and glue it together back again.
muahahahahaha. what happen to mr.f,?
well, things didn't go too well with him. so...we separated.
so...that's the closure of the chapter of me and f.
and while i'm mending my super broken heart,
someone that i've never imagine that would be important in my life walk into my life.
this person, had made me became tougher,
made me to stand up, and move on.
the person who is dare to critic me, made me realise many things,
and thought me so many things.
orang baru, chapter baru jugak.
walaupun sempat kenal rapat dgn dia sekejap ja,
tp warna warni kenangan tu tetap fresh dlm memori.
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zulhilmi tarmizi, hasrul reza, me. :) |
nice knowing you, reza.
and thanks for everything.
may be peace upon you.
posted by amalienaziyad. d[3.3]b
sape tu amalina.. haa kasi tahu ckgu midah :p kim salam cgu midah ye :)
ReplyDeletekawan je la kak wani... insyaAllah nnti sy sampaikan. :)