About Me

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sweet 18, currently lives in Tanah Melayu, gadis melayu, love baju kurung, and just a plain girl which awesome in my own way. *warning : this blog may contains my bad side, stupid side, rude side, you name it. but also contains my bright side of course. :D

Saturday, December 29, 2012

my new lover,

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh....
alhamdulillah syukur atas segala nikmat yang telah dikurniakan oleh-Nya. :)

HELLLLLL~OOOO people of earth,!
muahaha. menghilang seketika untuk memikirkan masalah.
so i'm back now.

okayyyy. since aku ni lepasan SPM, maka aku banyak masa menunggu untuk dibuang sama ada secara sia sia atau secara berhemah.
so....setakat ni aku just tdo makan melangut kira retak kat siling rumah, baca novel, kemas rumah tolong mama masak. muahahahaha. well. obviously, i'm totally otta ma mind here cause i'm sooooo bored. yep. too much time to kill made me a bit out of my mind and swing mood. 
tp alhamdulillah la, lpas balik kedah from berfoya foya kat kl tu, mama got my name signed up for driving class. and also, PIANO CLASS. yes. i'm a piano player now, though bru grade 1. 
know what, first time i really know what on earth the 'taugeh' sign means with its name, types, time value yada yada yada, i felt excited. really excited. hahaha. first time main piano and play a song dgn hanya tengok taugeh taugeh ats buku tu, i felt i am awesomeeee. can you believe it,? i just look at the book, and press the piano key according to the taugeh. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT,? hahahahahahaaaa. dulu masa kecik kecik darjah berapa tahh, aku belajar muzik jgk. but i never knew what the heck the taugeh taugeh means. trust me. i used to got c for my music and i never revise my music subject. dulu nak tiup recorder pun menyembur nyembur terkial kial bagai laaa. skrg ni baca taugeh tu dan press piano key. serious aku rasa mcm aku ni genius dan awesome. B)

and i must admit. i do fall in love to piano. :)
i feel like i wanted to master it. 
i wanted to always play piano. 
and cita cita aku,
aku nak main untuk kawan kawan aku. 
depan family aku.
bila aku dah kawen nt, aku nk main untuk suami aku,
untuk anak anak aku, 
untuk cucu cicit aku.
jika diizinkan Allah la.

*my, what a foresight me huh,? :D kawen,? HAHAHA.

and aim aku untuk sekarang,? cukup sekadar yamaha keyboard untuk practice.
second stage, lepas keja maybe, aku nak an upright piano.
third stage,? haa. ni menarik sikit. ni notice untuk future husband.

dear husband to be, please include a GRAND PIANO as one of the hantaran please. :D
i x kisah jenama apa pun...either it's Steinway and Sons or Bosendorfer or Yamaha or Baldwin or Mason and Hamlin... HAHA. LOL, just joking. :p

so. this is my dream grand piano.
ni jenama Steinway and Sons, John Lennon edition
aku nak size 5'103/4" (180cm).
piano ni dicipta sempena lagenda John Lennon. though i'm not a fan of john lennon, but this limited edition of piano is......beautiful. it also has other special features too such as a john lennon's signature replica at the treble side of the fall board, 'you may say i'm a dreamer' lyrics elegantly displayed on the bass side of the rim, and a medallion on the inner rim including John Lennon's japanese chopmark which he often use on his artwork. cool kan piano nih,? :3  

and...untuk sesiapa y wondering whether main piano ni susah ke x... i gotta say, learning music requires a lot of effort and patience. oh, and a little bit mathematics. 
and one of my ambitions too is to play piano in an orchestra, in front of famous audience, paling lekeh takat dalam dewan filharmonik petronas pun jadi lah. 
harus diingat.
ini hanya angan semata. kalau di izinkan oleh Allah, apa salahnya. :)


posted by amalienaziyad. d[3.3]b

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