About Me

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sweet 18, currently lives in Tanah Melayu, gadis melayu, love baju kurung, and just a plain girl which awesome in my own way. *warning : this blog may contains my bad side, stupid side, rude side, you name it. but also contains my bright side of course. :D

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

SaD pLuS FeAr ???

Assalamualaikum !!!

~ oLLa !!! sorry cuz nina lme gle x upda8 blog nih! like always n same old reasons,,,i'm dead busy. ngee~ =))

~ ummm....week ni ad cer ap yek? rse nye x dek kot....just rintihan hati je lah kot. heheh~ okayh, hr ni, sy bgn dgn perasaan yg sgt susa hati n sad. people look at me, they said i'm happy. but deep in my heart, i'm scared. hello, check the calender will you? PMR is around the corner d. n i'm very2 sure, i'm not ready yet....huhu. sy sgt takut.....sy rsa mcm hdp sy skg suda x tntu arah doe. rsa mcm. kalu bleyh, sy mahu stopkn masa or slow down the time....have u notice that the time had been moving fastly? did u know that, masa berlalu dgn pntas adlh slh satu drpd tnda kiamat. haih. i admit, amalan sy x ckup lag d dnia pnjaman Allah ini....bsides, sy tkut sgt kalu x dpt straight a's, ksian mama n abh, kcewa. Dear Allah, please help me....

~ esok hr anugrah kecemerlangan skool. nnty sy upd8 laen. la tatao nk tulih apa. sorry. ngee~


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SaD pLuS TiReD !!!

~ Assalamualaikum !!!!

~ oLLa !~ duh, i just got back from my hostel....theres something happen to hosteller that had forced the admin to let all the hosteller go back home early....nah, its not as exciting as it sonud lah.....for ur information, i was soooooo tired and sad ! y???

~ here are the story,
- this mornig, during the first period at school, math subject. my partner asked me, "amal, did u had stomachache from this morning? " and honestly i answered, " nope. y? " my partner replied, " cuz so many form 3 hostellers had stomachache from this morning lah...i had it too..." then i just said, " ouh....mis eat kot...." dy kta " tatao lah....ak bru cirit jek...birit x lag doe...hehe" hahah~ sakit2 pon depa dan lagi wat lawak noh!~ huhu~ wateva lah. the main point is, after that diorg wat survey form 3 hosteller dr klas laen plak....sape2 yg skt prut sila tulis nme....

~ luckily, i n some of my friends didnt had the stomachache.....my reason is i didnt took my dinner n supper yesterday....so kiranya ad hikmah la i x amik dinner n supper....huhu, alhamdulillah~ btw,,, things get worse when most of my friends get fever. hot fever babe! no kidding...their temperature perhaps can boil something d pa....i pitied my friends. sebak gila tgk dpe tad! kesian gla! mata merah, jalan pn x larat suda....smpai ad yg kna cucuk ngn air garam tu lah....urgh! u can imagine how hurt it is when the MA cucuk jarum tu 2 kali babe...

~ n jadilah sy sbg co-nurse nursing kwn2 sy yg sakit....duh, it aint an easy work.... penat wo....kalu antibody x kuat, silap2 yg tlg tgk org sakit pn kne gak....haduih. bnda tuh merebak....yg x leh blah nye, one of the 'penjaga' said that the hosteller who sick maybe terkena dgn 'makhluk tu' sbb seronok sgt ke semalam....duh. dey teach! ini zaman moden...mmg la ptut pcy bnda tu wujud but, slagi bnda tu bleyh difikir mgikut logik akal n science, bleyh x jgn pk yg bukn2? duh.....

~ guess story smpai sni je la kot....need to sleep. esok skool ! tQ !!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tired, Happy, Sad, Tension...its all mixed up!

Assalamualaikum n olla !!!!!!!!!!

_ firstly ! im sorry cuz long time no upda8....im just busy like org gilak d lah~ huhu~ mgu lpas x smpat upda8 cuz last mnt dpt taw kta kna p kem n balik kg......nyway, pape je lah kan....

_ huhu~ tired cuz bru blik kem, even though ak just reserve tap km ni da mcm sama tired ngn org yg kawad la gak.... deyh, congrats tu platun bahiyah cuz mng byk! korg mmg best n the best of all lah! ak rse besyukur n alhamdulillah sgt cuz dpt p kem tu....kem tu byk ajr ak mcm2 especially sabar....mmg lah, dah nma keja ngn rmai org, jad nye byk kerenah n ragam....n kta pon x leyh nk pk ksenangan kte je kan...? jad kem tu mgajar ak utk jad fair n sabar byk....haha~ experience nih....ak rsa kalu kat tmpt laen x dpt kot......huhu~

_ what can i say ek? ak agak sebak gak la msa nk blik sek blik.....ye lah, so many cweet memories i had there....sdikit sbyk it made me felt i dont want to leave the camp...i just want to be there with the police cadet....god, only them know how fun it is! i wish i will be there next time.....meeting new people? meh, i dont think i have time for that cuz i busy masak jek....huhu~ x dan nk mengembangkan kenalan, duh.

_hummmm....skg ni ak dlm dilema plak....dkat bahiyah, alhamdulillah, bleh dktakn, skg ni ak dh ad base yg kuat...tap mama ak nk form 4 nnty ak kluar bahiyah.....syg sribu kali syg cuz....ak rse syg sgt nk lpas ap yg ak dh ad....tap yet ak nk further study ak kat kl.....huaaaaaaaaaaaaa.......Dear Allah, help me, please................

_ plus, ak tgh rsau plak pasal akedemik ak....ye lah, aktif sgt ak taon ni srupe x exam pon...mama pn dh bisg. duh, sy x minx bnda nih.....jgn kte sy x pk yek pasal pmr n plajaran aw.....pk n then sy susa hati pastu sy tensen....huhu~ xpe2....insyaallah, bleyh kot sy cope dgn plajaran sy....hwork x yah kta la.....bkn slalu complete.....haih. kalu iktkan, sy pn x ske lap klas. duh. kne kejar blik.....mmg x syok! tap nk wt camna.....besa lah, dah nme pn hdup sbg student....camtu lah.....

_ pe pon, friends, do doa for me kayh...may ak got PMR 9 A's cemerlang,,,,insyaallah, aminnnnn!!!
