About Me

My photo
sweet 18, currently lives in Tanah Melayu, gadis melayu, love baju kurung, and just a plain girl which awesome in my own way. *warning : this blog may contains my bad side, stupid side, rude side, you name it. but also contains my bright side of course. :D

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

kerisauan. :/





i have been susah hati lately.
of course la sbb result spm.
haha. penentu masa depan bagaimana. :)

hem...see...aku mmg ada plan dah.
but i'm just scared.
scared that, kalau x dapat straight a's boleh ke aku further belajar,?
risau kut.
rasanya hampir pitam bila fikir result.
saya bukan orang senang kaya banyak duit
yang boleh sambung kat swasta.
saya org sederhana. :|

hati ni berat untuk jadi TEACHER.
tp DOCTOR pun ada jugak.
nak decide pun kna tgk result dlu nanti. 

walaupun yakin yang result aku xkan gempak dan rasanya result ciput je kut. aku x harap pun result da bomb. tp x salah utk dream jadi Dr. Amalina or Teacher Amalina kan. HAHA,~

andai kalau aku dapat result apa pun,
time tu la aku akan decide nak jadi apa n apa cita cita aku.

aku terjumpa kata kata semangat nih kat weheartit.com of course.,
found it kinda true. :)

no matter how much down i am,
down about my result, down about myself,
but i have to keep believing in Allah.
rezeki Allah yang bagi.
insyaAllah. :)

 no matter how my result is. have to keep moving forward.
and dream the best. wish the best. strike for the best.
hope so. aku mmg dah nak quit hoping for my spm results. :)
mengharap Allah ja.
but still x give up doa for the best. 

peeps. do doa the best for me.
risau yang x tertanggung ni. 

and may peace be upon you.

posted by amalienaziyad. d[u.u]b

suara hati kecil.

photo found on weheartiti.com


earthlings,! LOL,~ :3

it's been awhile since last i update my blog.
emm, no i didn't go anywhere interesting or did a job...
just lazy to update. hehe.

so, since last week if i'm not mistaken, i started morning jog routine at The Darulaman Lake, Jitra. 
with Aida Amalina. and sometimes joined by Keyo and Sara. 
Lol. i'll say i'm quite a determine girl kut
cause pepagi buta nak bgn dr katil tu mmg menguji iman sungguh. :)
to start something new is easy but to istiqamah truly and fully hard.
now trying to istiqamah jogging and exercising for my own sake. :)
yes, it is indeed for my health.
gila overweight and obes sgtlah x sihat dan mengundang penyakit.
besides. i need to take care of my cardiac kan. Lol. :3

k. you must be wondering what on earth kaitannya post kali ni dgn picture tu kan,?
gonna talk about what has been in my heart for awhile.
you see. lately i've been thinking of something.....
hem....this issue is quite complicated though.
cause this issue include other people's heart and feelings. 

 it is never easy to keep your head up and your hear strong.
some decision is very hard to make.
for example when it comes to your religion and relationships.
before i begin pouring you what i've been thingking lemme tell you something.

mark my words peeps,
CHANGE do easy.
but to istiqamah is the hardest.
you see.
ini suara hati aku.
"aku teringin untuk mengabdikan diri aku untuk Allah dan memberi 100% hati aku untuk Allah."
yes. once i did told Alia Syahirah about this... about teringin nak fully for Allah. 
it's hard cause i am in a relationship right now.
kita tak tahu hati orang.
adakah dia boleh terima kalau aku kata.
aku nak devote life and hati aku untuk Allah semata sampai lah aku rasa the right time untuk fikir relationship.
will he understand,?
takut untuk luka kan perasaan orang tu of course la ada.
it ain't an easy task to do.
to break the love relay and focus to Allah only.
i admit that i am not a good muslimah.
but i'm trying to be one. 

Ya Allah. permudahkan lah urusan hambaMu ini.
Ya Allah. kekalkanlah aku di jalan Mu.

aku percaya. pada umur aku 18 tahun ni.
i don't need a special boyfriend yet.
aku perlukan Allah semata.
sedang usia menginjak tua, dosa demi dosa aku buat.
kalau nak mati esok lusa pun boleh. 
hari demi hari.
timbang antara dosa dan pahala semakin x seimbang.
semakin berat dosa. pahala ringan sahaja.

i believe in Allah.
ya Allah. berikan aku kekuatan. 

tu part 1. 
ni part 2.
i have been searching for new clothes since lepas spm lg.
but x jumpa lg y betul betul ikut piawai. hohoho.
disebabkan kesusahan nak cari baju y ikut piawai,
*yela aku kan badan besar. lol,~
buat aku berazam untuk bukak bisnes nanti. hahaha.
bukak bisnes baju, khas utk muslimah. :3

insyaAllah. perancangan semata. kalau diizinkan Allah, alhamdulillah. :)

semoga Allah bantu aku dalam kepayahan ini.
kepayahan untuk istiqamah dan buat sehabis baik dalam beribadat kepadaNYA.


and may peace be upon you.

posted by amalienaziyad. d[u.u]b

Monday, January 14, 2013


photo found on weheartit.com


assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
and HELL~O earthlings,! :)
hehe. sorry, cause it has been a while since i last update my blog.
ketiadaan laptop mnyebabkan kejarangan online.

so, first and foremost, 
anda semua sihat sihat belaka,?
alhamdulilah jika semua masih mampu baca entry aku nih.

i would like to thank you to all people who wish my birthday last week.
yes, my birthday is on 11.01.2013
alhamdulillah la ni dah 18tahun 3 hari bernafas. 
alhamdulillah i am surrounded by the most awesome people on earth ever live.

post kali ni xda tujuan spesifik pun.
random kut.
duduk rumah semakin hari semakin gemuk.
alhamdulillah rezeki banyak. :)
alhamdulillah lesen L bru ja amik tadi.
alhamdulillah jugak, insyaAllah esok 
akan dapat yamaha keyboard model PSR333
as birthday present from mama and abah.
alhamdulillah, bru sbulan bljr piano dah nak naik grade dah. :)

emm. cakap pasal present,
keyo bagi bantal bentuk love tulis i love you,
nabila bagi bantal betuk love jugak tulis specially for you,
mr.f bagi perfume body shop dream unlimited dengan gmbar edited yang lawa serta pujian lagi, :D
emm,,yang lain diorang bagi kasih sayang kat aku. awesome kan. 

hemm. serious nih, 
aku berazam bersungguh sungguh nih,
nak jadi pemain piano yang awesome. 
da terer nt boleh la main lagu monster big bang tuh.
macam thePianoheart ni.
ce tgk video dia.

awesome kut. :O
okay lah. 
dah xda apa nk tulih.
currently no idea of new topic.
terima kasih atas kesudian anda untuk baca blog aku nih.

and may peace be upon you. 

posted by amalienaziyad. d[u.u]b

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

move on :)


assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh youolls. 
it's been awhile since last i update my dear blog.
well, bukan kemalasan tapi laptop hantar pegi kedai untuk upgrade. 
jd slama ni online twitter pun pkai ipod ja.

okay lah....
hmm....hari ni baru january 8 2013.
on january 5th, i had a blast outing with mr.f (yes, my ex but we're a close friend now) and my dear atiqah zahari and my little sister si dalila yang comel tuh. :3
though actually is not a total blast because i somehow ruined it half of it.
but i wannat thanks f and keyo. 
i apologise for my stupid behaviour that day. :)

anywayyyy. it's still new year kan kan kan.
so...basically, this entry is about my grudge actually.
em, the grudge and hatred that i held for almost two years.
baru hari ni kut rasanya nak let go perasaan tuh.
x tau kenapa. :)

hatred and grudge that i held towards zenith gen.
my senior in KUPSIS.
to be honest. smpai la ni x bleh lupa lah apa y jadi masa f4 tu.
tapi yang buat tu....some of them ja.
tp y aku held hatred ni smpai smua dlm batch zenith aku bencikkkk.
walhal diorang x besalah pun. :)

so here i am, 
serendah rendahnya ego ku turunkan,
nor amalina binti ibrahim (yes, this is my real name)
ingin memohon ampun maaf kepada sesapa y terasa dgn saya dulu.
dan sekarang.
hoho. bukan bemaksud nak bitch dgn smua orang.
just i had a phobia. cause i never met someone as mean as them in my whole life.
yes i admit, 
i do have my own crime, mistake, sin, you name it.
but i also didn't get a proper justice back then.
and because of that,
i held hatred against them all.
but all the hatred won't help me in anything pun.
in other words. it's just a useless feeling.
not even a good one.
and after a while. nak masuk 18 dah ni,
bru la i came to a realization. how idiot am i,
for helding a hatred and grudge that didn't even gave me any benefits.
and i didn't get a full peaceful life while my heart full of anger, hatred and grudge against them.

jadi tetiba malam ni rasa,
it's time to let it go amalina.

so i made move to knock knock on abg zakri and kak afaf punya twitter.
it's not so bad at all though. 

to forget the past tu mustahil.
forgive my self and begin again tu ya.

so people out there, if you are helding any hatred feeling or grudge or anger against something,
let it go with a positive thinking and put your trust fully in Allah.
because...trust me. this hatred feeling will train you to get mad easily yooo.
and the most important is, those feelings ain't giving you any peace.
belajar memaafkan macam nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
besides. everything happen for reasons. 

and may peace be upon you.

posted by amalienaziyad. d[u.u]b

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 and new wishes,


assalamualaikum, and HELL~OO people,! 

first and foremost, 
happy new year to uolls. :)
i'm very aware that i wish new year later then most of other people,
but to me, new year masihi is not priority sebenarnya.
hoho. but sempena new year ni, of course ada new wish jugak. :)
wish ni, kebanyakan orang mesti ada bila new year or birthday kan. 

nahh, cari pokok nih, make a wish before tiup,
dgn harapan ad angel y akan capture dan akan tunaikan wishes kita.
aku penah buat bnda ni masa kecik kecik dulu.
yelah. kecik lagi. xtau apa apa. = ='

ahha. ni lagi satu notice untuk future husband.
*aihh. nasib lah sapa nak masuk minang aku nanti. LOL, JK jaaa.

aku tringin bangle charm PANDORA. lawa kut. 
plus, aku nak ring mas putih kaa, diamonds kaa. mueheheheeeee.

okay lah. sbenarnya x mau pun jewelery bagai tuh,
utk 2013 wish list aku include;

aihh, needless to say,
of course baju kurung. tapi nak jenis peplum labuh.

then, this one.
sony xperia miro
sony psp3006

princess by vera wang
mueheheheee. y ni ja yang aku teringin. tp sapa lah nak bg kann. :D

aihh. tp x pa lah. ni wish semata mata. 
kalau granted, alhamdulillah. :)

you see.
x smua y kita wish tu kita dapat.
ada lah hikmah disebaliknya tuh...
xkira la wish for things or wish for an event k ap ka...
sbb tu jugak lah kita kena live on our life.
appreciate our life.
sbb Dia tahu y terbaik utk kita. 

and may peace be upon uolls.


posted by amalienaziyad. d[u.u]b

me and my passion,



assalamualaikum uollsssss,~ :3

nak tanya nih.
korang suma ad passion dak,?
passion y aku mksudkan adalah,
sesuatu benda yang boleh buat korang gag.
ehh. gag,? err. ak x tau btul k x. aku main tulih ja.
tehee. :B

emm...lebih kurang mcm bnda yang korang suka lahh...
or bnda y korang excited nak buat. haaa.
em, aku bg example. 
macam aku kan.

benda yang aku suka ni memang boleh menguji nafsu aku.
duit aku mmg byk habis kat dua benda nih.


yep. shawl pun mnat jugak. tp sbb ak ni x reti plih shawl.
maka duit pn x hbis sgt utk shal tudung bagai.

pastu aku suka doodling. tp y ni obviously x keluar duit sgt.

then, piano. y ni kalau aku ada keyboard skrg, 
rumah kerja dok dgr bunyi keyboard jelahh.

then ps2 ps3. games lah senang kata.
aku suka FF, GTAIV, SIMS (yes, sims pun aku suka jugakk.), COD, etc etc,~

okay lah. main nya aku nk crita pasal baju kurung + shawl dan novels + komik.

emmm. x smua ladies kat malaysia ni suka pakai baju kurung kan.
ad y kata sbb panas la, rimas la, etc. 
well. aku ni jadi suka baju kurung masa masuk form 4 KUPSIS.
x tau knp. tiba tiba ja trus suka pakai baju kurung.
then kalau keluar dgn kawankawan ak pakai baju kurung je. 
pergi mall ada je orang tengok tengok pelik.
ahh. peduli apa aku. aku punya sukalah nk pakai pun kan.

orang lain kalau boleh nak minimize ja bilangan baju kurung y nk bawak kat hostel ni kan.
tp aku.... kalau uolls nk tauuu. punya la banyak pasang aku bawak baju kurung smpai lokar aku cramp kat tmpat sangkut baju tu hah. sbb byk sgt. = =' tp masa f4 x byk sgt la y aku bawak.
masa f5 bru bawak byk. and kebanyakan baju aku kena basuh tgn.
kalau masuk mesin, hancur baju aku. boleh teriak seminggu aku.
hahaha. dah suka pakai. msti la sanggup basuh tgn bagai enn. :D

shawl pulak. to be honest,
aku x reti pun nak lilit lilit mcm girls nowadays.
i do adore ladies y sama umur, even younger than me 
dressing and cara pakai shawl. jgn salah faham.
aku maksudkan yang jenis muslimah punya.
pakai skirt maxi bagai. 
aku ni x reti bergaya sebenarnya. :)
aku hanya lilit simple saja dgn shawl aku. 

novels pulak...
popular, mph dan borders merupakan syurga aku di dunia. :3
and kalau aku x da duit aku x kan beranikan diri masuk bookstores.
takut nanti kalau ada yang berkenan, aku x boleh beli.
end up aku meleleh air liur ja tgk buku y aku nak tu.
balik rumah tidur sampai bawak ke mimpi teringat buku tu.
pastu x senang duduk macam ayam berak kapur. 
dan masa aku x da duit jugak, kalau lalu dpan bookstores
adalah merupakan satu penyeksaan jiwa raga yang paling keji untuk aku. 
teehe. a bit hyperbola eh,? :3
ah, same goes to attraction aku kat baju kurung lah.
tp baju kurung zaman skrg memang mahal. :(

ahhh.. this is another notice for mr. future husband. :)
after we get married, you shall be prepare to spend your money 
to buy me LOTS of baju kurung. :D
don't worry. semua baju kurung tu saya akan pakai.
kalau boleh buy me a textile shop trus lah kan. :p
LOL, JK jaaaaa. 
habaq betoi stg org takut nak minang aku pulak. XD

doodle ni aku banyak lukis masa f5.
habis fade up buat paper y maha banyak tuh. 
aku doodle ja ap y aku rasa nak lukih.
ekhem. and usually aku doodle atas kertas TURAS.
uolls tau dak apadia tuh,? haa.
tu la filter paper. (well, ak mmg agak jahat sbb keja sludup kluaq filter paper bila masuk lab kimia)
aku ni xda la talent sgt mcm kengkawan laen y lbih art-ist mcm
paiyuz, alia n tipa. tp ak just suka buat ap ja. hehe.

ini bukan aku punya artwork,! diulang, ni bukan aku punya artwork,! ni atas ihsan weheartit.com

ehh. okay lah.
x tau nk merepek apa dah.

i apologise for things i did or said that might hurt or annoy uolls.
aku sekadar ingin bercerita dan berkongsi.
bukan cari publisiti atau perhatian.
dan ini juga passion aku. 



abaikan ini. :)

posted by amalienaziyad. d[u.u]b